Multiply Group
Multiply Discipleship Group
Day: Sunday (every other week)
Next Date: 16th April
Time: 2:30-3:10pm
Location: Buckingham Park Community Centre
Next Steps
We are continuing the next section of the book which is helping us to prepare for studying the Bible and getting out of it what God wants for you.
You have been set a shorter reading section, but there are more questions. It is always worth investing in your faith by answering everything thoroughly. If it seems like too much just do it one page a day, you will get there - be encouraged!
Preparation for 16.04.23
To prepare for Sunday 16th April session please complete the following:
1. Read from page 106 to the end of the chapter.
2. Write down answers to questions 4, 5, and 6.
3. Watch this video (make notes).
During the Session
I will only take us through the main points when we meet on the 16th rather than read large chunks together.
Don't forget...
if the book simply quotes the idea from a passage in the Bible, always look up the reference as these in time will become more familiar to you.
If you are struggling with any of the preparation, please message Tim ASAP. Don't delay, don't be shy, and don't pretend that Tim is too busy - he's still not!